1. Margie said:

    Thank you Dorset. I enjoyed learning about your experiences and look forward to hearing more. Hope to hear from my friend Janet!

    March 3, 2017
  2. said:

    You were the only ones who carried about us.

    March 3, 2017
  3. Tom Dickinsopn said:

    Thank you and all of the Donut Dollies. Only ran into you guys once at the fire base out at Mia Loc around Christmas 1970. It was the middle of the monsoon season, cool, wet and mud up to our chins, but there you guys were, you didn’t have to be but you showed up and put a smile on our face when we needed it!

    March 3, 2017
  4. John Bianchi, Sgt. said:

    Great girls…….it was wonderful to see them there giving their time and just talking to us. Made us feel a little closer to home. It was a great break from the realities of
    our current condition.

    Charlie Company, 3/187 , 101st 1968/69 From Cu Chi moved up to Hue (Camp Evans) & Camp Eagle. Many Fire Bases in the A SHAU VALLEY and Hill 937 named Dong Ap Bia. What fun.

    March 3, 2017
  5. Annie Carter said:

    Ditto for all and more. I think all DD experiences were the same and different in so many ways and none of us came back the same.

    March 4, 2017
  6. Wm. J McCullough III said:

    Cu Chi 67′ 68′, thanks for all you gals did. You made a significant difference to so many of us!

    March 4, 2017
  7. Lee Henschel said:

    One day in early ’71 I came in from the field to my base camp in Phan Rang. I had some downtime so I visited the USO. A Donut Dollie greeted me at the door. Sue! We knew each other from back home! We grew up in the same home town and had many friends in common. I didn’t know Sue was in the ‘nam until that very day. There were many things that happened over there that could never have happened anywhere else, and this was one of them. She didn’t know what might happen to her in the ‘nam, but she went there anyway. It was a brave act.. We never saw each other when we got back to the world and I never thanked her for her service. I was never in a thankful frame of mind when I was in the ‘nam, so I thank her now. Sue! Thank you!

    March 4, 2017
  8. George Bontya said:

    Thank you for your Service. Remember 2 Donut Dollies from Tuy Hoa in 1970. Jackie & Dolly.

    March 5, 2017
  9. Joe Bongiovanni said:

    Ladies , thank you so very much for doing what you did..I know conditions while not as harsh as many of us grunts were primitive and not a comfortable zone to be in. I have to say that the whole tour I was there save for some time in the hospital in DaNang , out in the field (DMZ) I never saw or heard of Donut Dollies,I guess the Army & Air Force were closer. anyway…God bless you all for your duty and comfort you brought to our warriors. Semper Fi

    March 6, 2017

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