1. Ann Mitchell (Kilty) said:

    We worked together at Chu Lai! With Terre

    May 8, 2020
  2. George A. Bontya said:

    Karen, thank you for your Service an SC Welcome Home.
    Tuy HOA AB, Vietnam 1970

    May 8, 2020
  3. Mary said:

    I think all of us in our little group loved hearing about your Vietnam experiences Karen. I’m so happy that you sent this link along to me. You never struck me as shy and now I now why! Thanks for your service!

    May 8, 2020
  4. Gary D. Ford said:

    I just read the brief history of Karen Kent, Donut Dollie in Vietnam. I was not in Vietnam: I joined National Guard in 1972, and served in an infantry unit. During a life of journalism, I’ve interviewed many Vietnam veterans, including James Allen Logue, who was a professional photographer before he served in Alpha Company, 4/31, 196th LIB, Americal Division. During the war as an infantryman, he carried a 35mm camera and came home with 2500 photographs. He and I traveled the country (thanks to our wives) and interviewed 71 other Alpha veterans and survivors. Our book of narrative and photography will be published in June by Texas Tech University Press. “Rain In Our Hearts” will be available in bookstores and on Amazon by mid-July. One photograph includes a man in the company with Donut Dollie Kate Beckwith,, who with her group was visiting LZ West. Ms. Kent, you and all the Donut Dollies served the nation well. All those I interviewed spoke highly of the DDs and how much their visit to LZ West helped them, if for no other reason, than just to see a young western woman. Along with the men who served, you women in Vietnam are among the best.

    May 9, 2020

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